
Monday, June 23, 2014

Lab results leads to ultrasound, ultrasound leads to liver biopsy then a hospital stay

Brad reading over his labs at CBCI.  His liver is in trouble as the liver counts are double what they should be.  So an ultrasound was ordered so the radiologist could get a better look at his liver and what's going on.
 As we walk to ultrasound lab I am always amazed how Brad looks so normal amidst all the crap that is going on in his body. 

 This took about 45 minutes to get all the photos they needed. 

Next thing you know they are admitting Brad because his liver is inflamed and extremely irritated.  Nothing to mess with.  They also ordered a liver biopsy so Brad had to endure yet another procedure.  This time they went through his neck through a vein to the liver and scooped up a sample.  While in the hospital they hooked him up to saline which always makes him feel better and then they began administering a high dose of steroids which will hopefully calm down everything.

 Prepping for liver biopsy...

 This time I stayed at the hospital with Brad.  We had a sleepover together. 

 Here is a email that Brad sent out to everyone the day he was released:
The doctor just left and said that I have some CLL in my Liver which most likely caused Aaron's cells to attack the CLL there but also attacked my Liver while it was at it. So I'll be on a pretty strong dose of steroid for about a month to keep it all calm. I'll also have to increase my immuno suppresants for a while as well. My liver counts have come way down and in about a week should be back to normal. I just hope I can stay out of the hospital for a while. Not fun at all!!
I love you all!!! thanks for the prayers.

Once we got home it was time for Brad to reorganize his meds which can be very frustrating and tedious.
 Meeting with an in home nurse who teaches us how to administer his anti-fungal meds through a gravity pole drip.

This drip is once a day and should only be for another week or so. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

ultrasounds, biopsies and another hospital stay

I am back in the hospital for hopefully only 24 hrs. Yesterday I came in for my normal appointment and all my numbers looked good but my liver counts were about 1100 points higher than they should have been. 5 days earlier they were in the normal range yesterday they jumped 1100 points. BIG concern. It's one of three things. CLL attacking my liver, which we don't think because my counts are good. infection which they are testing for and will get the results back tomorrow morning or what they are pretty confident it is is GVHD. Aaron's cells are recognizing my liver as being foreign and are attacking it. GVHD is a good thing to a certain point and they can treat it as long as it isn't too severe.  I am getting ready to go in for a liver biopsy around 1:30 where they will stick a camera and wire down a vein in my neck to my liver to cut out a chunk. They will sedate me. The docs will see me first thing in the morning to give me all the results and then I go home unless the results are bad. Which they won't be. They have me on some high powered steroids as well which can wreak havoc on my diabetes. So they really want to keep a close eye on that. Blood sugar gets too high and I am high risk for infection. But don't worry it will all work out. 

It has been a roller coaster ride as each day brings something new.  Last we checked his double bone marrow biopsy came back as showing only 5% CLL!   Wonderful news, yet Brad was still extremely fatigued.  Which is where we are at today with the news of his liver.  Docs say that it is functioning, but irritated and working really hard.  It's important for me to add that I love this man with all my heart.  The strength and courage he has shown through this journey has been amazing and I feel privileged to be a part of his life.  

Monday, June 9, 2014

A fever and a hospital stay

 Check up...

Jun 2
First off I want to thank you all for fasting on my behalf yesterday. What a wonderful caring family I have. I've been truly blessed! I was also given an amazing blessing by Bishop Miller who will always be my Bishop. the girls and I talked after and Emily said "he is the BEST Bishop EVER" Sam and Lisa agreed whole heartedly. Rick performed the anointing. To have these men who have always been such a wonderful example to me and my family was such a blessing.
After everyone had left we had a sweet young couple come to pick up the trampoline we had sold them. Lisa apologized that I couldn't help because I was sick. They asked a lot of questions about me and my condition. after they finished taking apart the tramp and loading it they came to the front door and asked me if they could pray for me. I said I would be honored. They put their hands on my shoulders and gave me a beautiful prayer. it doesn't matter that they are not of our faith. They love our Savior and their fellow man.
we had some potential renters over the other day and and found out that the wife was a oncologist at Porter Hospital. so Lisa proceeds to tell them about me and my cancer. They were really sweet. Two days later they sent us an e-mail to tell us that they found a place closer to their mother in Highlands Ranch. But in the e-mail they asked if they could help in any way. staining and sealing the decks, fixing the fence, mowing the lawn.
My heart is full!! The selfless acts of kindness that I have seen is truly humbling. There are so many people out there with good hearts. I think I lost site of that earlier in my life. But I will never forget it. I love the journey I am on for reasons like this. I love each and everyone of you for who you are.

Brad was admitted to hospital last Wednesday for observation after having a fever for over 5 days. His fever finally broke on Wednesday but they wanted to keep him anyway...

Jun 5:

I'll make it short. My Doctor came in this morning and said the CAT scan came back normal (meaning nothing abnormally large) so, no lymph node biopsy for now. So she sent me home. She does want to keep a closer eye on me so we will be going back to three visits a week and next week they want to do another bone marrow biopsy which will be number FIVE. It seems like eventually they would run out of places to drill. Crazy!!
So I'm home and the Spurs are up by 5 at the half. Thanks for the continued prayers!!

Brad Acker


This rash appeared on the side of Brad's stomach only for a day or two then went away...

 Hospital stay on oncology floor-same protocol,  minus the mask
 Not a happy camper
 Brad demonstrating the comforts of the guest bed.  3 layers.