Brads recovery is coming along just as we had hoped. The last bone marrow biopsy came back with these results. About 87% of Brad's bone marrow is now Aaron's cells. And greater than 95% of Brad's myeloid (blood) is Aaron! Wonderful news and it appears that Aaron's cells are geting comfortable and grafting. Once they are fully grafted then they will hopefully kill off those last remaining cancer cells left. They can read these results from the bone marrow biopsy because there are identify markers in both Brad and Aaron's DNA that they took pre-transplant. We are at day+ 50 which means we are half way to Brad's "2nd Birthday" which transplant patients consider day+100. Brad looks good and feels good. He is getting "out there" a bit more and still very cautious of when and where he goes and who he hangs out with. I think being extra cautious has paid off as he has had such a healthy recovery so far. Of course, we believe in the power of prayer and thank everyone for their continued prayers on his behalf. This photo is from Aurora Resevoir. His fishing buddy, Mike took him their to at least fish the lake. It's nothing like fly fishing but will have to do for now!

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