Joe waiting patiently, and lovingly taking Brad's photo that he later posted on Facebook.
While we were waiting I took a photo of his leg. This is his old rash that has come back again!! Once he got off the clinical trial (IPI-145) it came back! ARRGGH!! Dr. Muffly said keeping a photo journal of his rashes is a great idea. Rashes are Brad's nemesis!
Georgia, the sweet transporter who I believe was in her 80's pushed Bradley to the OR
Here is the big "ironing board" table they laid him on. Hard and cold.
Easy procedure. Brad said "a piece of cake compared to the bone marrow biopsy" Now back in recovery where he reveals the catheter! If you look closely you can see the incision on his neck and then the tube under his skin that goes down to catheter. They used xrays and ultrasounds to direct the tubes to the correct vein, the largest vein below the heart called the superior vena cava. And if you touch it, like Joe is doing here, you can feel the tube under his skin!

Still, all smiles...(and yes, that is a tattoo of my signature "Elizabeth" over his heart which he got many moons ago)
Earlier this week we met with the psychology department to participate in a 3 year research study on the caregiver (me). They needed 50 strands of hair from the both of us to measure the stress level we are under. The study is to show that if the caregiver is under to much stress then the recovery of the patient is not as good. They want to be able to help caregivers handle the stress involved when a love one is sick. I hope to help those down the road that may have to deal with a huge life changing event like leukemia.
50 strands from Brad that they caught in an envelope...
...and 50 strands from my rat's nest

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