Brad is suffering from GVHD (Graph vs. Host Disease). We were warned of this side effect of a transplant since the beginning and, of course, we were hoping he would avoid it. Regardless, he has suffered for awhile and he has once again stepped up and endured through it. He has had an immense challenge with his skin which seems to be the organ that is being hit the hardest. His skin itches all day every day. And it becomes very tight and uncomfortable when it is not hydrated with lotion. So, he continually saturates it with lotions (and we tried many before we found one that worked best!) He has mouth sores too and eating spicy foods is painful!! This is Brad we are talking about! Sometimes salt even aggravates it. Doctor subscribed a mouthwash that he uses. Doesn't do much but he keeps using it. That is basically the only thing we can do on our end to help. His doctors have ordered a 5-6 month photopherises treatment. This treatment entails weekly visit's to PSL where he has to sit for several hours and have his blood pulled out (he had to get another chest port put in). Once his blood is pulled out, it is spun and divided. Then parts of it are exposed to UV rays along with a medicine that goes along with the process. It is painless but it is time consuming. So far, we have not seen a ton of improvement. And unfortunately his diabetes got worse which was a challenge in itself. We think he has leveled out that problem with good eating habits. Good job, Bradley. So, that is it in a nut shell. He is still dealing with all kinds of garbage. Yet, we still have to have faith that he will come out stronger and better!! And he will!!
This blog is dedicated to the long hard journey that Brad has endured since 2010. It's a scrapbook of the good and the not so good that comes along with cancer. He truly is a rock and roll warrior!!
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Test Results!!
I just arrived at the hospital and here is some good news. They found something from the bronchoscopy results. A pnemonia bug called pneumocystis pnemonia which is uncommon to those of us who are not immune compromised, but for someone like Brad whose immune system is so weak it is. So, they have a drug that he has been on before called Bactrim that he will take 3 times a day and hopefully that will do the trick. His breathing is restricted because of this so he gets winded just getting up to use the bathroom. He's feeling pretty crummy and had a rough nights sleep. He's doing a lot of reflecting on family and the love he has for you (and friends) 💝 He's hoping he will be ok to attend Emily's graduation on Thursday but I'm thinking not. 😒
Day 5 at "Hotel St. Joe's"
On Tuesday of this week Brad went in for his second Rituxan treatment to help with his graft versus host disease. While he was there he had a fever. They finish the drip and he went home. However, the next day he had another fever and felt terrible. I should note that he has been fighting a virus for months now and hasn't looked so good. Bags under his eyes and extremely fatigued. He would go to work and come home and sleep. We've been attributing everything to graft versus host disease because he does have it and it's mostly been manifesting itself through a rash that is extremely itchy and burning. Moving on Wednesday morning he woke up and didn't feel right. He had a fever of 102.4. We called CBCI and they instructed us to get Brad to the ER. We went to PSL where they admitted him to the ER and started doing some tests. Chest x-ray and CAT scan came back showing pan sinusitis (where all eight cavities are infected), water in his ears, and signs of pneumonia coming on in his lungs. Brad's head was killing him. And he was quiet and sleepy most the time in the ER. Once we got the instructions from his doctor Tara Gregory, he was put in an ambulance and sent across the street to Saint Joe's where our Kaiser insurance is accepted. So we've been here since Wednesday morning it's now Saturday. He's been given a broad spectrum of antibiotics to cover his sinus infection and the pneumonia. Yesterday he woke up with a fever of 104. Today he woke up with a fever of 103.7. It seems to be a pattern that in the morning he runs a very high fever which is scary. He has seen a ton of doctors on the pulmonary side, infectious disease side, oncology, etc. etc. right now he is getting prepped for a bronchoscopy. They will put a tube down his throat, flush in some saline and then suck it out so they can get a sample that can be sent to the labs to determine what exactly is going on. It can be a very uncomfortable procedure for Brad afterwards because last time he had this done at University Hospital they sent him to the ICU because he spiked a fever. The doctors know that he had a reaction last time so they are going to take it very easy with him. Brad's mom insisted he have another blessing at the hospital last night so Ken Kearns and Aaron came over and gave both Brad and I am blessing. We know that God is mindful of us. We know that he has plans for us. And we were assured that Heavenly Father has plans for us still. Brad has been a warrior once again, and he never ceases to amaze me at the control and patience and quietness that he exudes. I love this man.
Here's some photos of the journey...
He has been sleeping a lot, which was probably an indication that he was fighting something.

This sweet lady is Georgia and we remembered her from our last stay at PSL. She transports patients all over the maze we call PSL. She is taking Brad to get his CAT scan.

Here's some photos of the journey...
He has been sleeping a lot, which was probably an indication that he was fighting something.
This is the day he went in for his check up to see why he was feeling so crummy. They suggested a Rituxan drip . Little did we know his body was developing some major infections.
Day of 1st Rituxan drip.
Day of 2nd Rituxan drip and this is when the fever was detected.
ER at PSL. You can tell he is hurting.
This sweet lady is Georgia and we remembered her from our last stay at PSL. She transports patients all over the maze we call PSL. She is taking Brad to get his CAT scan.
Look at the sweat beads on his head. My poor baby.
Here we go again with the sterile environment...
And off he goes to the ambulance from ER to oncology floor at St. Joseph's.
Settled in and he will be here for 10 more days. Here are some notes from my phone regarding this hospital stay...Fungus typically seen in HIV population. Bactrim quite effective. 3 week treatment. Rash, can burn easily photo sensitive. As long as he's in high dose steroids he will be on prophylactic drug to prevent this pnemonia from coming back. Steroids cool off immune system while Bactrim works to fight pnemonia. Go home on anti bacterial antibiotics for sinus and ears. Brad has been hallucinating when he sleep sand told me about a few of the visions... a samari warrior, Nanny and Linda Lovejoy hanging out in doorway, old men sitting in park bench and one gives him a smile. And the scariest one of all is there were ladies walking towards him with blackened eyes( some are scarey!) 102.7 fever this am. Hearing better out of ear, pressure in sinus going down slowly.
Wow, fancy plate presentaion.
More and more drugs. Thank goodness Brad has an iron stomach.
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